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Manual Directory Submission Service
We will manually submit your website to top, FREE, Non reciprocal And SEO Friendly web directories. We have team of experts who will submit your site to quality directories as per submission guidelines. We will provide you quality reports. Manual Directory Submission Service...
Submission to website directories is one of the modules of the AllSubmitter program.

AllSubmitter can provide high quality, fast, and controlled submission to all kinds of Internet information resources (search engines, directories, article directories, online message boards, shareware sites, news feeds, etc.).

Search engines recommend the use of manual submission only.

Search engines recommend submission to high-quality Internet resources only.

Search engines give priority to unique text.
Main features of the program.
1. It can create a quality base. YES, create! By default, there is no single site in the database! You will no longer depend on developers.
This is not just a registration program, it is also a second business for webmasters who create registration bases and sell them.
The program will help create a high quality base and simplify those submissions using it.
It can check a base using 100 parameters such as PageRank, Dmoz, etc.
2. The program can carry out submissions very quickly, both manually and automatically.
3. Automatic captcha recognition (without antigate, captchabot...)
AllSubmitter uses the Internet Explorer web browser, with extra features that can speed up submission up to 50-100 times, while fully preserving the submission quality and maintaining search engine requirements.
What advantages does AllSubmitter have, for example, over the ordinary Internet Explorer, FireFox, and Opera?
Of course you can use the ordinary browser, and browser add-ons such as Roboform, Inetformfiller, etc.
Of course you can use the ordinary browser, and browser add-ons such as Roboform, Inetformfiller, etc.
you cannot carry out registrations as quickly as is done by a professional tool specially designed for such purposes.

With this program, you can create your databases, share and compare them, filter them under more than 60 options, and sell them. On the Internet, you can find many different databases on different topics for AllSubmitter in ASD4 format.

You can fill in a form with a click of the mouse.

The program will help you choose the correct category.

The program will fill in any form with 99% accuracy.

AllSubmitter learns on its own.

It also helps in processing of mails. For example, it can automatically activate all links.

The program can create reports, and remember where you have already registered.

The program helps in creating unique text.

It can help to place unique descriptions.

AllSubmitter also includes a module for automatic registration. With a unique opportunity, and almost instantaneous replenishment and correction of unworkable bases for automatic registration. Thus, you will always have a current database for automatic registration.

You can register automatically in 90% of sites.

It can recognize simple captcha.

It can recognize simple captcha texts.

It can automatically detect any captchas through the use of antigate service.

It can automatically create a database for automatic registration.

It can be registered automatically in many page sites.

It can be used to register multiple accounts on sites.

And many other settings, disabling of flash, graphics, etc. All these help to save you as much time as possible.
AllSubmitter is a recognized leader among submission software products.
Tens of thousands of webmasters take it as a submission standard.
Many webmasters sell bases for AllSubmitter. This is a separate business created thanks to AllSubmitter.
Almost all Russian language services offering submission in directories use AllSubmitter.
The program provides as many opportunities for registration as are contained in all rival programs combined.
AllSubmitter is not just ordinary submission software; it is a set of modules.
Although the program may at first seem difficult to operate, everything eventually becomes very simple and effective.
And that is not all! The program AllSubmitter contains more than 15 other modules for SEO and promotion of a website in search engines.